Monday, November 12, 2007

Midwest Herbalist's DIY Omega 3 fortified eggs

Anyone ever see the omega3 fortified eggs at the market? Ever wonder how they get the omega3 in the eggs? Since I raise chickens for personal use, I am somewhat vested in learning how this happens, and if it is even safe. So I did some research. It turns out that flax seeds have a very high level of O3s. But the nutritional value, in specific regards to O3s, of raw flax seed is very low. The flax if not ground passes through your system quickly carrying many of the precious benefits with it. Even the ground flax tends to flush through, but by no means as fast. So we get a bit more O3s from ground flax. Here I the kicker and you can see this coming… Chickens, when fed flax seed process the flax very very efficiently. But hens do not process the O3s. They, like good mothers, drop the O3s into their eggs proficiently for their little chicks. It turns out that you can get more DHA Omega-3 from flax seed if you feed the flax seed to a layer and eat their eggs.The down side to it all: In our ever greedy Big Agro world, we have become even more efficient in adding even more O3s to eggs in a much cheaper way. There is now a genetically modified algae that when processed with chicken feed, will allow producers to ‘fortify’ their eggs with a higher profit margin. The brighter side: There are still companies that add O3’s to eggs with flax. You can check out I am not recommending that you purchase their products as much as I am recommending that you check the source of the O3s in your eggs if you eat the fortified type. Really I recommend that you raise your own layers and feed ‘em flax.

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