Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas


I'll be taking some time off
from THIS blogazine until
after the holidays. I need
to plan the next issue, and
I want to read a book that I
bought from Matt and write
a review. I also want to
snap a few modeling pics
of the daughters and try
to capture some critter
moments with my camera.

I'll leave you with a cute
critter story about my
great big Pyrenees named
Moose. I had made a batch
of oatmeal cookies using
a multi grain mix. They turned
out a bit burned and tasted
kind of funny. I decided
to give them to the horses
as a treat. I took a platter
to the back yard and put
them in front of the equine.

After a few minutes I heard a
cacophony of barking. I looked
out the back door and saw Moose
on the horses' side of the Not-So-
Impervious-Fence eating the last
of the cookies with a smile on his

Merry Christmas all.
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Anonymous said...

Hi -
You have a cute blog. I like that you're a farmer/girly-girl.

Keep on bloggin' and all the best for 2008.

Michelle in Ga said...

Thanks for your kind words.
I appreciate the feedback.