Friday, January 11, 2008

Of Seeds and Salsa (and a few book reviews)

(A cute picture of my younger daughter eating salsa was
supposed to go here, but she was late getting up for
school this morning.)

This is the time of year that seed catalogs fill the
mailbox. Actually mine have been arriving since early
December. Totally Tomatoes TM gave me the idea for a
salsa garden. So I figured, why not a salsa inspired
issue of ye olde blogazine? I decided to review some
seed catalogs, in case other gardeners (or wannabees
like myself) had missed a great company. Feel free
to add your favorites. I didn't review nurseries as
much because I've reviewed a few in the past.

If you have time check out the Salsa Store. I couldn't
get the fancy multi-book widget to work, so please
click on the link if interested. There's even a
story called Chickens and Chips that I may get my
niece for her next birthday.

Happy dreaming/gardening . . .


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