Thursday, January 10, 2008

Book Review: The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It


This is the second book that I ordered
from the LATOC bookstore, just before
Christmas. It's an update of an old
classic by the same name, and written
by John Seymour.

I didn't realize how big the book was.
It's also hard cover, and of very
good quality. It feels like it would
last a few generations. This is
important because you'll want it
too. It covers so much knowledge
on so many different subjects.
Granted, it doesn't go in depth
on many things like horse training,
which is difficult to learn from
a book anyways. But if you wanted
just one book to pass down to
your kids that covered most
skills learned and then
forgotten in the last few
centuries, than this is the
book for you.

Gardening covers everything
from the urban garden to a
five acre farm. It also includes
a section on how to grow
vegetables during all four
seasons. The picture illustrations
are amazing.

The Self Sufficient Life also
touches on clearing land and harvesting
cereals, hunting, storing the harvest,
dairying, brewing beer, and the slaughter
of critters, including sheep. There
are bits that must be cut off first
to keep the meat from getting rancid.

There's a chapter on saving energy,
solar/wind/water power and "dry toilets".
I'm not done yet. There's a section
called crafts and skills that touches
on everything from spinning wool,
making bricks, tanning, scything (I
have one!) and thatching.

With this great book, the possibilities
are endless. I highly recommend it.

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