Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas


I'll be taking some time off
from THIS blogazine until
after the holidays. I need
to plan the next issue, and
I want to read a book that I
bought from Matt and write
a review. I also want to
snap a few modeling pics
of the daughters and try
to capture some critter
moments with my camera.

I'll leave you with a cute
critter story about my
great big Pyrenees named
Moose. I had made a batch
of oatmeal cookies using
a multi grain mix. They turned
out a bit burned and tasted
kind of funny. I decided
to give them to the horses
as a treat. I took a platter
to the back yard and put
them in front of the equine.

After a few minutes I heard a
cacophony of barking. I looked
out the back door and saw Moose
on the horses' side of the Not-So-
Impervious-Fence eating the last
of the cookies with a smile on his

Merry Christmas all.
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Friday, December 14, 2007



These are just a few that I
pulled out of the garden today.
I was trying to thin them out
a little, so that the remaining
plants would have more room to

I fed the green tops to the
horses. I'll probably cook
these in a stew on Monday.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I thought the puppy . .



. . would like to chew on
some plastic, instead of our
feet. This was just too cute
to miss.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

I am not a grandmother . . .

My 14 year old recently adopted
a puppy. She began to wax
maternal for the first time
in her life, and started
calling herself the pup's

This presents a unique problem,
because I'm not ready to be a
grandmother. Ewwww. Yuck. Forget
the fact that I made other folks
grandparents in their 40's. IT IS
NOT MY TURN!!! Hubby, sensing
weakness, has explointed this
without mercy.

I will now clarify my standing
on this matter. I am the puppy's
Very Special Friend.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thinking of a theme . . .

In between trying to train the young
horse (and not doing so well at it),
helping hubby recover from lasik eye
surgery, celebrating an early Christmas
with my nieces, trying to catch up
with friends, and parent/clean/bake/
cook/work, I've been trying to think
of a theme for next month's blogazine.
The end of January will be very busy
for me, so I need to get some ideas
together soon.

Delightful spring catalogs are starting
to show up in my mailbox. My favorite
to date is totally tomatoes. They have
a section on salsa that is tempting me
to try theme gardening. I can envision
a little salsa garden, getting recipes
from a salsa cookbook and using the cute
little non electric salsa maker on page

So here's the website:


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ode to a tool,9611.0.html