Friday, February 15, 2008

Some of my favorite posts from the other blog . . .

Here are a few of my favorite posts from my other blog.
I've blogged about 750 posts on "you and your oil thing"
since March of 2007. Here's a look back over the last

March 07:
Bad dog
Bad dog, bad sheep

April 07

May 07
The last time we had grass was before the drought.

June 07
Maine . . .
My favorite pic

September 07
Ahhh Saturday

October 07
Plastic pumpkins!

An unlikely snack . . .


I used to spend a lot of money
each week on popsicles which
are loaded with sugar. Then
one day, the younger kid asked
me to buy her some frozen
strawberries. She started eating
them that way, frozen, straight
out of the bag. Right now, it's
the only fruit she'll eat.

Then hubby started eating them
that way. Now I go through 4 or
5 bags per week. They don't add
whipped cream or sugar. I tried
them and didn't like them.
But it's worth a try if you have
strange or picky eaters at your

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